waylay|waylaid|waylaying|waylays in English


[,way'lay || ‚weɪ'leɪ]

ambush, lie in wait; attack from an ambush; rob, plunder; intercept, approach unexpectedly

Use "waylay|waylaid|waylaying|waylays" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "waylay|waylaid|waylaying|waylays" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "waylay|waylaid|waylaying|waylays", or refer to the context using the word "waylay|waylaid|waylaying|waylays" in the English Dictionary.

1. The patrol was waylaid by bandits.

2. I'm sorry, Nick, I got waylaid.

3. Did Rooster waylay us last night?

4. The trucks are being waylaid by bandits.

5. I got waylaid on my way here.

6. It seems as if he has been waylaid.

7. Was that Rooster waylaid us night before last?

8. Thousands of passengers were waylaid by the airline strike.

9. He waylaid me with a request for a loan.

10. Amiss hovered in the gallery, hoping to waylay an informant.

11. Even the most experienced of sailors get waylaid in Tobermory.

12. 3 She might just waylay him and hit him with something heavy!

13. Synonyms for Ambuscades include ambushes, surprises, surprizes, waylays, attacks, bushwhacks, ensnares, traps, entraps and assails

14. Synonyms for Ambuscading include ambushing, surprising, surprizing, waylaying, attacking, bushwhacking, ensnaring, trapping, entrapping and assailing

15. Synonyms for Ambushes include ambuscades, ensnares, traps, waylays, attacks, entraps, bushwhacks, surprises, assails and assaults

16. 4 Amiss hovered in the gallery, hoping to waylay an informant.

17. 8 He and his partners liked to waylay travelers at night.

18. 10 She lingered outside the theater to waylay him after the show.

19. Synonyms for Ambuscades include ambushes, surprises, surprizes, waylays, attacks, bushwhacks, ensnares, traps, entraps and assails

20. 2 Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea.

21. 5 She linger outside the theater to waylay him after the show.

22. Don't get waylaid putting stuff back into other rooms until the end.

23. Soldiers had waylaid Postumus..., stunned him with a sandbag..., and carried him off.

24. 31 synonyms for Ambush: trap, attack, surprise, deceive, dupe, ensnare, waylay, ambuscade, bushwhack, trap

25. 15 synonyms for Ambuscade: ambush, trap, ambush, bushwhack, surprise, waylay, ambush, lying in wait